How can I manage my stress?
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Stress is a normal and helpful response to a perceived threat, which may be a physical threat or a psychological one, however, in periods of sustained stress, this response needs to be consciously managed.
Grief and the pandemic
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The pandemic has brought issues of grief and loss into our lives, and not just for those of us who have lost loved ones. For many of us, our lives are very different now to what they used to look like in so many ways, resulting in an experience of loss, and for which we may grieve.
Problem solving to reduce anxiety
By admin | | 1 Comments |
The easing of pandemic related restrictions brings with it feeling of relief, however, it also can bring increased feelings of anxiety. Problem solving is one method of potentially combating this anxiety.
Why do I feel so tired all the time now?
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As the challenges of 2020 drag on, many are left wondering “Why am I feeling more tired now, why am I not adapting better to this situation?”
Dealing with Covid-19
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As a result of the challenges we are facing now, a great many people are reporting feelings of lethargy, despondency, irritability and disillusionment.